عرض 73–84 من أصل 100 نتيجة


SKU: D00102
NEO-M8N GPS A new generation M8N GPS, with low power consumption and high accuracy, the ultimate accuracy is 0.6 meters, actually almost 0.9 meters, higher than previous generation 7N 1.4-1.6 meters accuracy, supports GPS/QZSS L1 C/A, GLONASS L10F, BeiDou B1 protocol and mode or more.  

NS17*5.8 Pervane-2 ADET/ÇİFT

• Hafif, verimli, uzun uçuş süresi
• Daha düşük atalet momenti
• Çizilmeye dayanıklı

NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q ARM Cortex M7/M4

SKU: D00085
NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q The STM32 Nucleo-144 board provides an affordable and flexible way for users to try out new concepts and build prototypes by choosing from the various combinations of performance and power consumption features, provided by the STM32 microcontroller. For the compatible boards, the internal or external SMPS significantly reduces power consumption in Run mode.

OMNIBUS F4 Nano v6 LC filtreli

OMNIBUS F4 Nano V6 5x UART portu 4in1 soketi aracılığıyla ESC telemetri desteği 5V 2A BEC 2-6S güç girişi Yazılım:

Pixhawk GPS Modülü

APM, PX4, Pixhawk ve Mini Pix için Drone GPS Modülü SE100 Özellikler: 【Mini boyut】: Bu mini GPS, Radiolink Pixhawk uçuş

QUESCAN 25mm M10FLY M10 GPS Module with Compass

The M10FLY core adopts the UBX 10th generation gnss engine, which supports simultaneous reception of global navigation satellite systems (GPS,

RADIOMASTER TX12 Mark II Radyo Kontrol Cihazı CC2500

Özellikler: Eklenmiş dahili ExpressLRS modül desteği Ana kart tasarımı STM32F207’den STM32F407’ye güncellendi USB-C QC 3.0 Şarjı geliştirilmiş Standart olarak hassas

RC Alıcı -FrSky X8R 2.4G 16CH SBUS

FrSky ACCST X8R 8/16ch alıcı, SMARTPORT ve SBUS fonksiyonu Özellikler: X8R alıcı (8/16ch telemetri alıcısı) Daha fazla kanal sayısı: Geleneksel

RFD900A Pix Modem Ultra Uzun Menzilli 40 Km Radyo Telemetri Seti

RFD900A Pix Modem Ultra Uzun Menzilli 40 Km Radyo Telemetri Seti, APM Pixhawk ile Uyumlu RC Dronlar İçin Ana Özellikler:

RMILEC T4047NB20 433mhz Alıcı

SKU: D00003
Replacement RMILEC 20 channel R20NB4047 UHF LRS receiver for NB20 system. When the R4047NB20 receiver is combined with the NB20 system and set up to use all 20 available channels, your model parameters can be adjusted in flight, in addition, a pilot and co-pilot/aerial cameraman can work in conjunction with a single radio system. The new system offers broad improvements in both range and reliability, as any source of interference can be added quickly and accurately.